updated 08/02/06The Antenna Laboratory in the ECE Department is a small-scale laboratorywith emphasis on numerical optimization and prototyping ofselected antenna typesThe laboratory invites interested domestic and international students to apply for a graduate study in the areas of antenna modeling and design. Ongoing and Past Graduate/UG Projects:MATLAB Antenna Toolbox (2002-2005 NSF)
Precision Personnel Locator (2006- PPL) UHF CP dipoles with a balun (2006) UHF wideband linear dipole with a balun (2006) Foam-based PIFA at 440 and 600 MHz (2006) Foam-based PIFA at 440 MHz (2005) Corner reflector at 440 MHz (2005)
GPS Wideband Base Station Antennas (2006- PSI, Inc.) Bowtie droopy turnswtile for L5, L2 with a balun (2007) Bowtie droopy turnswtile for L5, L2 with a balun (2006) Bowtie turnstiles over a conical ground plane (2006)
Ring Resonator for Dielectric Constant Measurements (2005-2007 MCT, Inc. ) Ring resonator for eps measurement - FR4 (2005) Foams - suspended ring resonator on FR4 (2005)
Active Antenna (2004-2005)
Selected Senior Undergraduate Projects: 1.Kaswarra, Quddus (interim report - B term 2006) 2. Thomas, Kondel (900 MHz wireless link) 2005 3. Mathew, Sethi , Abramson, Kashef, Gendron (PANSAT patch antennas) 2003-2004 (together with Profs. Looft, Michalson, Labonte) ![]()
4. Berezin, Kulbacka, Cantara (900 MHz Scanning Array) 2002-2003 (Supported by MIT Haystack Observatory, IEEE UG Antennas and Propagation Society Scholarship) ![]() Some Recent Publications: [1]. S. Makarov and R. Ludwig, “Impedance bandwidth of a wire dipole with the split-coaxial balun,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, under review, 2006. [2]. I. Waldron, S. N. Makarov, S. Biederman, and R. Ludwig, "Suspended Ring Resonator for Dielectric Constant Measurement of Foams," IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 16, Issue 9, Sept. 2006, pp. 496 - 498. [3]. S. N. Makarov, S. D. Kulkarni, A. G. Marut, and L. C. Kempel, "Method of moments solution for a printed patch/slot antenna on a thin finite dielectric substrate using the volume integral equation," IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-54, no. 4, pp. 11174-1184, April 2006. [4]. S. Kulkarni, S. Uy, R. Lemdiasov, R. Ludwig, and S. Makarov, “MoM VIE solution for an isolated metal-dielectric resonator with the zeroth-order edge-based basis functions,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-53, no. 4, pp. 1566-1571, April 2005. [5]. S. Kulkarni, R. Lemdiasov, R. Ludwig, and S. Makarov, “Comparison of two sets of low-order basis functions for tetrahedral VIE modeling,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-52, no. 10, pp. 2789-2795, Oct. 2004. [6]. S. Makarov, Antenna and EM Modeling with Matlab, Wiley, New York, 2002, 287 p., ISBN: 0471218766 Antenna and EM Modeling with MATLAB (book)
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