What MATLAB codes can do?

1. Modeling basic antennas
Dipole antenna (Chapter 3, Fig. 3.6). Radiated/scattered field at different observation points.

Monopole antenna (Chapter 4, Fig. 4.9). Electric current distribution of the quarter-wavelength monopole on a PEC ground plane and a model of the antenna feed.

Monopole antenna (Chapter 4, Fig. 4.12). Directivity patterns and 3D radiation patterns of the quarter-wavelength monopole on a PEC ground plane of different sizes.

Helical antenna (Chapter 5, Fig. 5.7). a) - Electric current distribution; b) - radiation intensity distribution in 3D; c) radiation pattern in the elevation plane of the helical antenna (normal mode).

Spiral antenna (Chapter 7, Fig. 7.16). 3D radiation patterns at different frequencies.

Patch antenna (Chapter 10, Fig. 10.10). Return loss and radiation patterns (at the resonance) of the air-filled patch antenna.

Patch antenna (Chapter 10, Fig. 10.14, Fig. 10.15). Left - Dielectric-filled patch antenna setup to scale; right - return loss as a functon of frequency (solid line) compared to WIPL-D simulations (dashed line).

2. Modeling (linear) arrays
Linear scanning array (Chapter 6, Fig. 6.17). Radiation intensity for a scanning array of eight half-wavelength dipoles separated by quarter wavelength at different values of the progressive phase shift.

3. Flexible mesh generators (MATLAB mouse input)
Monopole array (Chapter 4, Fig. 4.18). Mesh generator for a monopole array on a PEC ground plane. Mouse is used to identify the monopole positions.

Patch antenna mesh generator (Chapter 10, Fig. 1.16). Patch antenna mesh generator uses method of images in the ground plane. Mouse is used to identify patches.

Patch array mesh generator (Chapter 10, Fig. 1.18). Patch array mesh generator uses method of images in the ground plane. Mouse is used to identify patches.

4. Precise mesh generators (Matlab PDE toolbox)
Examples for bowtie antenna, slot antennas, and patch antenna are considered in Chapters 2, 8, and 10.

5. Time-domain analysis
Chapter 8 presents the scripts for the time-domain analysis of a pulse antenna using MoM and sampling in frequency domain.

6. Research problems where the MATLAB codes are currently in use
  • Finite phased arrays (up to 100 array elements)
  • Transmission and scattering spectra of finite metal grids
  • Finite frequency-selective surfaces
